The definition of 'marketing' and what it is or isn't varies quite a bit. But let's agree, we ALL know we need it.
But most small businesses owners didn't go to school to be a marketer. You probably didn't give it much thought until you opened your salon or spa or yoga studio. You probably figured as long as you are great at what you do ... the clients would just come in. And that is partly true. Good service is critical - it's a fundamental for your business and will be your differentiator in the competitive landscape. Your team, your service excellence, your culture all matter to building a successful business. You can be really good, but if new clients cant find you or don't know what you do you will continue to struggle.

But, you can change all that with developing your marketing skills. Marketing is one of the most important business skills you can have as an owner. Understanding marketing is the key to your success. It is the primary way you communicate to your clients and your potential new clients what your do and how you serve them. If you aren't communicating your services to potential new clients you won't be getting new clients, you won't be turning them into lifetime clients. Marketing is about client generation. It is how you grow your business. It's how you bring in more clients. Think of marketing as an investment, not as an expense.
Keys to successful marketing include: Your market. - Knowing who to market to. The more you can define who your ideal client is, you can create your message to meet their needs.
Your message - Your message should be about your client, their problem and what they needs as a solution. It's not about you. It's what you can do for THEM.
The media mix - How and where you will share your message. Oh where to begin... so many choices ... Instagram, Facebook, local or trade magazines, community sites, events or trade shows, sponsorships, chambers... so where do you put your message?
But before you decide your marketing strategy and where to invest in your marketing dollars consider where your target audience gets their information. And don't be afraid ask them. Ask your current clients. What do they prefer? Do your research. That is where you will focus your budget. And there won't be just one thing, you may have a few models to use to attract new clients.
And don't forget your number one marketing tool is your People! People buy from business they know, like and trust. And 70% of new business is typically from word of mouth. So get them on board with your messaging to your target market and setting goals for everyone. Be clear on what you want the client to do.... book an appointment do you want them to go online, call your salon direct, try a new stylist, learn about a newly added service... Just remember to focus on your client's need. Communicate in a way the connects with them.
Real marketing engages a multi-faceted systems, that incorporates online and offline strategies, that attracts your ideal client, gives you a way to track progress and results and you will know what it costs you to acquire a new client. You will know what your return on investment is for every dollar you spend.
If you want to know more about creating a successful marketing strategy, how to create a marketing calendar and how to develop a budget, book a free consultation: Free Strategy Session there's no charge. Click the link to find a time in the next few days that works for you.
My goals is to help you establish and implement proven marketing systems that work and continuously bring in clients and drive profits and make your business stronger.